Sunday, July 19, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pictures and Updates

Zip Line

The water that we zip lined over. 

A boy at the market that the team prayed for.  He suffers from hydrocephalus.

Children at the cancer hospital

Tomorrow I will be leaving and wanted to post some pictures for you all to see.  Right now the team is at Montelimar relaxing on the beach, swimming in the pool, and drinking pina coladas. (virgin that is :) )  From the resort  they will go to the orphanage.  At the orphanage they will be painting, taking the children to buy new shoes, and doing a service Wednesday night.   So, as far as I know this will be the last blog until the team gets home Friday night.  (there is no internet service at the orphanage)  If anyone has any questions, I will be in the states tomorrow.  (513-225-0730)  Thanks for everything!  --Jill

Sunday, June 28, 2009

How God Works

As I had been preparing for this trip over the last few months God has really been stretching me. I had to learn how to pray with my eyes open, how to be extra in tune to Gods voice and how to not gage over everything (that one well I had to more so develop lately). But really over the last few days that we have been here I know that everyone can really sense how God is working he may not be having cancer fall off of bodies in front of our eyes but who said that he is not having it fall off behind our eyes.
Tuesday night was great we had just arrived and were all exhausted yet so so excited to experience Nicaragua and what God had been preparing for us. That night we went to a local church and Pastor preached and after we prayed for people. During his sermon I had been sensing that though I was tired God was going to lead me to someone tonight. As soon as Pastor opened the alters and older women went forward. Something just told me to go to her she looked around 70 something and probably normally would not have been my first choice to pray for. But I obeyed and went to her I was able to stumble around with my knowledge of Spanish and ask her what I could specifically pray for. She said that she has horrible pain in her head, and then some in her stomach and knee. So i just began to pray, should could not understand anything I was saying but she sat there just looking at me with tears in her eyes and smiling. Once I was done praying I asker her how her pain was and she said that she had no pain in her head, that her swelling in her knee felt less pressure and that her stomach was doing okay. PRAISE GOD!! I was so excited, God totally knew that I needed something to show me what this trip was going to be like.
Wednesday- I will try to make this one shorter  but Wednesday we were at this awesome tent church that had great music and was very fun. As Pastor was preaching I was praying and the word Blind kept coming to mind. Earlier they had even sang open the eyes of my heart Lord (granted they sing that constantly) but anyways when the alter call was called God told me to stand on the right side if you are looking at the congregation and the first little boy to come up I went to. When I asked him what he wanted prayer for he told me that he had had a tumor that had made him go blind in his left eye. I prayed so much I seriously could not breath. When I walked away I was kinda bummed there had been no immediate reaction. I continued to pray with other people and the next lady I touched as soon as I removed my hand she fell. Yes there were others praying for her so who said it was me that had the impact but God just gave me this peace like Chrissy do not doubt me, I do not have to always show you right away for me to be doing something in someone.
Thursday- I know some others wrote about that it was awesome
Friday- We went zip lining and to the movies and the mall..ya getting the real Nicaraguan experience lol :D But we did meet a Athletes in Action baseball team that was fun :D No worries I am not bringing back a husband (though I can not speak for some of the other girls)

More to come later love you all see you soon and thanks for your prayers

A day that touched our hearts

Some of the little children and their families at the cancer hospital.

Hey! It's Jess here, I don't have much time to write, but I'm going to share an experience that touched our hearts. We went to the cancer hospital and we put on a puppet show for them, handed out candy, made bracelets, and finally prayed for them. The hardest thing to realize was that those kids are dying right in front of our eyes, and the only thing we can do is believe and have the faith that those children will be healed. I prayed for this little boy and he was probably the cutest kid ever! Every time I looked at him and smiled he would have a big smile back on his face. Not only the child that I prayed for was happy, but ever child in their was laughing and smiling so much. They didn't worry about themselves being sick they were just so happy to see us and it's nothing I'll ever forget. My team and I were touched so much by this, and it's changed us forever. This was my favorite day because I can relate big time to this and I knew the pain those families were going through. I believe each and every one of those children is going to be healed, no doubts. When we returned back to the campgrounds, we all we're a little shaken, so we prayed together. We all were very supportive of each other and even though we were all vulnerable to what was going on it really showed how strong of a team we had. I'm sure you can imagine how hard this was for all of us, and how much it touched our hearts. Please keep praying for out team, we all really appreciate your support. We will all see you soon!!!!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Haha, blanco, blanco, blanco!!!! (White)

In Nicaragua, it's HOT! No, really, it's HOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! And humid, and there are lots of bugs, and creepy Nicaraguan guys, crazy Nicaraguan drivers who go 75 mph in a rural area and drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid traffic........... and use their horns way too much! Despite all that, I feel like I will never want to leave here... the palm trees, colorful birds, and AMAZING food makes it all worthwhile... not to mention ministering to little Nicaraguan children who mob you and hug you endlessly (while others laugh at you saying "Blanco! Blanco! Blanco!") Some will ramble on to you in spanish even after you patiently explain that you only speak "Un poco espanol" (a little spanish). They don't care, you are different, and strange, and someone to talk to. On the first day we were here, we went to McDonalds............. yeaaaah............ I was sitting by the window, and a little Nicaraguan boy we estimated to be 8 or 9 was standing outside, leaning against the glass. He looked right at me, and beckoned to me with two fingers, wiggling his eyebrows......... scary! We are a spectacle here.... after the service Tuesday night, half the people were standing around taking pictures of us with their camera phones. ---This is Julia's that she can continue later

We have been incredibly busy.  We will post when we can.  Today (saturday) we will be going to do a kids rally, the market this afternoon, followed by a youth service tonight where Will is going to be preaching.  Everyone is safe and healthy.  Love to all.  --Jill

Caliente, Caliente, Caliente (Hot, Hot, Hot)

Melissa and Jen praying for a women at Tuesday night's service

Well, it's day 3...hard to believe though, we've been so busy!!  Wednesday morning we did VBS for over 200 children...lots of energy!!  Wednesday afternoon we did another VBS for 100 more children.  500 pieces of candy....GONE!!!  Last night we drove to Diramba (about an hour away) for service.  Service was amazing.  About 100 people came forward for the alter call.  God is so amazing and MOVING so mightily here.  We all have such great stories to share.  Today we will be ministering to the bible students where we are staying, going to the down syndrome orphanage, (I can't hardly wait) and headed to the children's cancer ward this afternoon.  Followed by a service tonight given by (the electric-his new nickname) Pastor Dutch.  We will try and blog later tonight.  We love you all.  -Jill

God has no language barrier. 
Jonathon and Evan praying for a man at Tuesday nights service.  

What an amazing time this has been for everyone!  It took awhile for it to sink in that we were actually in Nicaragua.  I feel so blessed to be here and am looking forward to another day.  No one seems to be having withdrawals from no facebook or texting! ha ha!  Well I might be a little! My favorite thing yesterday was watching the little children just sit on the laps of our youth.  They loved having their picture taken and looking at themselves!  I never thought cold showers would feel so good!  There is so much to share.  Can't wait to get home and share with everyone. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We've Made It!!!

A local trying to earn a living.  
We've made it!

It's been a long 24 hours but we are here!  Praise the Lord, all of our luggage is here with us too.  No problems whatsoever coming down...God has been so faithful!!  We arrived at the AG campground, put our stuff in our rooms, and off to Mc Donalds we went.  Yes, our first meal here we played it safe.  We have all had a little free time, resting, showering, and getting ready for tonight's service.  Pastor Dutch will be preaching along with someone giving their three minute message.  Thank you all for your prayers.  Stay tuned!  -Jill
This day, which has technically been two really.... seems somewhat surreal. I'm not sure that even the full force of being here has hit me yet. 
I was praying soooo much during the flight; that we would get here safely, our luggage wouldn't be lost... etc. And hallelujah.... we're all accounted for, as well as all our things. 
By far the scariest part was customs.... we all had this wide eyed, baby deer look on our faces... even the boys... though they probably won't admit it, but we came through without a hitch.
We had about a forty-five minute bus drive through Managua... I have heard stories, about little kids asking for money, people washing your windshield at stop lights... but they don't tell you about how personable they are ;) Mary made a new friend... and Hannah and Jill... just a fellow onlooker reaching through the window.
We are quite the spectacle... which is driving me nuts, as well as not being able to tell what their saying about us. Some of it is obvious, such as Evan being scammed by an eight year old all ready.... we told him not to give out money... but we all know he's just a big softy. I yelled "adios!" to the little boy who smirked and replied "good bye!" This same little boy was trying to get Julia's attention while we were in Mc Donalds... and mine... I ignored him until I decided to suddenly turn around and make a scary face at him.... it took him a while to get his courage back up to come woo us again. 
I am kind of apprehensive of tonight... We have been preparing for forever... nevertheless the doubt still creeps in..... BUT our God will show up... HE will not fail... pray for us tonight... that we would not hold back...